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QA/Testing Strategy QA/Testing Scope


QA/Testing is an integral aspect of the product development lifecycle, ensuring that your released products meet the desired quality, reliability, availability, scalability and security standards, across multiple operating environments and situations.

QA/Testing typically comprises:

  • Unit Testing
  • Component Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • End-to-End Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • Sanity Testing
  • System Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing
  • Test Automation

Independent testing can ensure quality of complex solutions with a multidisciplinary approach, well-planned test strategies, and use of appropriate automation, simulation, virtualization and measurement tools. It prevents failures from occurring in the future by improving the development process, thereby increasing customer satisfaction and minimizing liability.

Thinxtream possesses extensive QA/Testing expertise to ensure high-quality products. Our independent QA/Testing services leverage a comprehensive set of test strategies, test types, test tools and test cases across hardware and software and the complex interplay of embedded, cloud, mobile, social and other technologies.

Have you tested your product for quality and scalability?

Connect with us today to leverage our QA/Testing services.


Thinxtream ensures the quality of complex products with a well-planned QA/Testing strategy that is comprehensive and is constantly evolving with changes. Our testing strategy encompasses test management tools, test classes, test lab setup comprising simulators, ready-made tools, and extensible frameworks.

Our test strategy will address all individual components of the product including hardware and software, as well as the integrated solution.


A usability test ensures that the interface of the product meets user’s expectations. The primary focus of these tests are to ensure ease of use for most basic operations, responsiveness, preserving nativity, graceful handling of errors and ability to use the device/app without training or a guide.


Security in its most basic form means that authorized access is granted to the product and its data and unauthorized access is restricted. Testing is done using threat modeling tools, static code analysis tools and runtime check tools, which subject the product to a range of simulated threats. Security tests also encompass checks for OWASP Top 10 threats.


This testing involves checking the product behavior on subjecting the network through a load, intermittent failures, and total loss of connectivity. By inducing these real-life scenarios, the robustness of the product is checked.


On the device, these tests check their responsiveness to user actions and on a platform layer, it checks ability to handle spikes in traffic gracefully. They are based on metrics for assessing the responsiveness of the device/application and underlying system performance. Load generators and performance measuring tools on the cloud rate system performance under normal and full load.


In a complex environment, devices, network, platforms, applications and end-user desktops/mobiles/devices work in tandem. Each one of them has a high degree of variability in terms of the firmware and hardware models and versions; network type, speed, protocols and versions; operating system type and versions; browser type and versions; screen sizes and display resolutions to name a few. It’s important to test the solution in all possible combinations of these versions to reduce failures in the field.


A well tested product may also require the right certification to enter the market. Products generally have to meet various certification requirements for the network, protocol compliance, device drivers, app store submissions, etc.


Whenever firmware, software or hardware updates or upgrades occur, it calls for thorough regression testing as failures may arise due to compatibility issues. Post the upgrade, data preservation and a smooth system restart are critical. To address this, special tests are often performed in a staging environment before upgrades are pushed OTA.

Products must be tested for quality and scalability.

Connect with us today to leverage our QA/Testing services.


The scope of Thinxtream’s QA/Testing includes determining test strategy, determining/preparing test environment and test ware (i.e. test cases, suites and harnesses), automation of build, test setup and execution, performing product QA tests and certification tests, tracking results, problems/bugs and fixes, employing defect tracking mechanisms, tools and traceability matrices.

Our QA/Testing extensively leverages test automation tools, performance tools, test management tools and test simulation.

White-Box, Black-Box, Functional, Scenario, Regression, Performance Benchmarks, Latency, Load, Reliability & Stress, Scalability, Deployment, Interoperability, Usability, Code Coverage, Device, OS & Browser Compatibility, Security Requirements & Updates, Compliance, Network & Service Provider Testing, Re-Certification

Hardware, Firmware, Drivers, Cloud, Desktop, Mobile, Web

Thinxtream Technologies

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